Tuesday, February 1, 2011

White Carbs and Starches affect Pompholyx

I am convinced more than ever now that the foods that I eat contribute greatly to my pompholyx breakouts.  White carbs and starches cause intense itchy.  I am just hoping to learn the correlation between the pompholyx and the white foods.  More info on relieving your pompholyx symptoms on my website at:


1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you posted this. I also wanted to suggest a product. It isn't mass marketed, but can help. Something Natural's mud, stops the itching on contact. I work with a school that uses the company for fundraising products. the school website is: www.theolivebranchschool.net. I also list some findings on my blog here and in my book Dyshidrotic Eczema (Pompholox): Seeking Relief from the Itch and Blisters that I will be happy to share. Thanks again for posting because so many people keep hearing from doctors, there is no cure---and that is so disheartening!
