Friday, November 11, 2011

Pompholyx Doing Well

Doing well with the itching, blistering breakouts as of lately!  Watching what I eat makes so much of a difference as does the Neem that I take!

More info on Pompholyx and relief for it on my webiste:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Trying To Mind My Diet P's and Q's

After a few weeks of eating everything and anything under the sun and itching like crazy I have spent the last few days minding my diet p's and q's, not having any wheat or gluten and tonight my foot is only mildly itchy, doing much better when avoiding those foods that instigate pompholyx eruptions.

For more information on Pompholyx visit my website at

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Another Sign Excessive Yeast In The Body Affects Pompholyx Eczema

As most people know antibiotics not only kill bad bacteria in your body that make you sick, they also kill good bacteria that keep you healthy.  Well due to a urinary tract infection I have been taking an antibiotic.  After a few days on that I noticed my pompholyx eczema was erupting and my foot was severely itchy.  At first I thought, what is going on, I have been watching what I eat quite carefully and hadn't had anything that would normally cause my breakouts when a mental light bulb went off that was like, ahhhh, antibiotics are killing my good bacteria and now excessive yeast is on the rise! 

I have started the following regimen on top of the Neem Capsules and Neem Oil to eliminate excessive yeast and not only am I less itchy (everywhere) I lost a bit of weight too just from taking it! Do your body a favor and check out the following list:

olive leaf extract

caprylic acid

PB 8 Pro-Biotic

L-Glutamine Powder

Cold Pressed Coconut Oil

The way these products work together is amazing! The caprylic acid and olive leaf extract taken toghether kill the excessive yeast in your intestines that are causing you many problems you may not even realize. The PB8 is a probiotic that replenishes the good bacteria in your body, much like when you eat yogurt with live cultures but on a much bigger and bettter scale. The L-Glutamine powder fills holes left in your intestines that the yeast has left warding off parasites, allergies and more. Finally about 2 tablespoons of the coconut oil per day give you a little more caprylic acid tremendously improving skin conditions and even help control weight!! I am on this entire regimen and though the first purchase is a bit pricey the relief and other benefits are well worth it, trust me!!

Visit my website for more information on Pompholyx, Dyshidrotic Eczema.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yeast and Pompholyx?

Pompholyx (Dyshidrotic eczema)is a perplexing condition to say the least. Even medical websites and doctors seem to have the "well..... I don't really know" attitude, telling you that no one really knows what causes the condition and usually treating it with things like steroids which are really only a temporary fix, like putting a band-aid on a deep wound that actually requires stitches.

As I've mentioned the Neem Leaf Capsules and Neem Oil (which you can find more information about on my website) do help to reduce Pompholyx eruptions and those horrible itchy bubbles in the skin but also the things that I eat seem to have direct affect on my condition. I have been paying very close attention to these outbreaks for quite some time and researching like crazy and in addition to white processed flour and any grain I know now that excessive yeast is a huge culprit which makes perfect sense because flour, grains and things like that have high sugar content which feeds yeast! Here's how I discovered it:

I found another site where a girl said her Pompholyx is due to a yeast issue (too much yeast in the body) and that when she stayed away from white breads, cakes and anything that might feed yeast or contain yeast, her Pompholyx condition sort of went into remission! I thought to myself that makes sense, maybe it's not just the starches or grains like I thought, maybe it's the SUGARS in those products that feed yeast and cause a flare up!

So, being a woman I recently had a vaginal yeast infection after a weekend of chowing down on large amounts of skittles lol.  I don't know if that made it happen, but it was allot of sugar. During the same time as the vaginal flare up my right foot had a Pompholyx outbreak that was pretty severe for me lately. I went to the store to get treatment for the vaginal yeast infection in which I purchased something homeopathic called Azo Yeast Infection Prevention along with YeastGard Probiotic Douche which at the time had nothing to do with my incredibly itchy foot but in hopes of relieving the itchy vaginal yeast infection and I must say that the products were both amazing!!  Much to my surprise not only did I get fast almost instant relief from the vaginal itching but my Pompholyx breakout cleared up!!  It was then that I remembered what I read about the yeast causing the girl's Pompholyx eruptions and so now I am trying to avoid sugars or anything that contains yeast and it's helping quite well!

I read a great article I found online about the different problems too much yeast in your body can cause and it's quite amazing.  In this article were a list of products that will help eliminate excess yeast causing improvements in everything from skin condition to weight control! Here's the list I recommend for reduction of yeast which can help reduce Pompholyx, reduce weight, increase mental clarity and more!

olive leaf extract

caprylic acid

PB 8 Pro-Biotic

L-Glutamine Powder

Cold Pressed Coconut Oil

The way these products work together is amazing! The caprylic acid and olive leaf extract taken toghether kill the excessive yeast in your intestines that are causing you many problems you may not even realize. The PB8 is a probiotic that replenishes the good bacteria in your body, much like when you eat yogurt with live cultures but on a much bigger and bettter scale. The L-Glutamine powder fills holes left in your intestines that the yeast has left warding off parasites, allergies and more. Finally about 2 tablespoons of the coconut oil per day give you a little more caprylic acid tremendously improving skin conditions and even help control weight!! I am on this entire regimen and though the first purchase is a bit pricey the relief and other benefits are well worth it, trust me!!
If anyone else has any experience with excess yeast issues I would love to hear form you!  Hope you find this new information helpful.


P.S.  Just a tip I'd like to share on a non-related topic is that I also suffer from urinary tract infections on what used to be a regular basis and if you don't know about the AZO product line I want to make you aware.  These are miracle products as far as I'm concerned, they work very well just like they promise.  If you've had a UTI you know it's miserable and these quickly take the pain away while you wait to see your doctor or whatever treatment you personally use.  Not only does the AZO Yeast relieve yeast infection discomfort, but their AZO Standard Maximum Strength Urinary Pain Reliever will have you writing them a thank you letter!!  I promise!


Visit my website:


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Photo of Pompholyx (Dyshidrotic Eczema - Vesicular Eczema)

Another photo of a Pompholyx Blister during one of my outbreaks. It really does resemble bubbles under the skin, quite weird.

Please visit my website for more info and more photos.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Johnson's Foot Soap for Pompholyx prevention

I am super happy to announce that I have reconstructed my website with a little bit of new information and a new look so please stop by and check it out.

I realized that I haven't mentioned to you another product that will offer you relief during breakouts and actually help prevent breakouts when used regularly!   It's called Johnson's Foot Soap , a pharmacist told me about this when I pointed a breakout out to him and asked what he recommended for the itching.   I have been buying and using it regularly ever since.   Not only does it help with the itchiness but it softens the skin which is usually kind of rough and thick due to excessive scratching.   I just mix one packet with nice warm water,  have a towel, my Neem oil (which you can purchase here at Swanson Vitamins)and socks ready, place feet in solution for 30 minutes, blot dry with the towel, apply Neem Oil, put your sock on over the oil and go to bed!!  Enjoy the soft itch free feet or hands!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pompholyx and Nerves

Not only have I learned that my Pompholyx outbreaks are directly related to things I eat or supplements I take but now I am well aware that when I'm anxious or upset or nervous about pompholyx will erupt for sure.   On top of using Neem as I state in my website try monitoring wheat products you consume and try to keep yourself as calm as possible.

Another tip:  when I do get an outbreak it helps me sleep better by relieving the itching by placing an ice pack on the breakout area, which for me is only my right foot.

Visit my website at: for more information including treatments and prevention of outbreaks!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

White Carbs and Starches affect Pompholyx

I am convinced more than ever now that the foods that I eat contribute greatly to my pompholyx breakouts.  White carbs and starches cause intense itchy.  I am just hoping to learn the correlation between the pompholyx and the white foods.  More info on relieving your pompholyx symptoms on my website at:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Since taking the Neem which you can learn more about on my website: I have been doing much better with my Pompholyx breakouts.  They are few and far between!  Neem is such an awesome thing and I am so grateful that I found it.  You owe it to yourself to at least give it a try.